the 29th of february ... it only happens once every four years, leaving whole gaps of time between the repetition of this date. think of all that happens in those 1,460 days that comprise the 'year'.
a lot of action takes place in the regular calendar, without such idiosyncrasies! would you take a flying leap and erase the negative, knowing that you'd have to give up the positive too? kind of like throwing out the baby with the bathwater (although if you are cognisant of the fact that the baby becomes a teenager, maybe you would throw it out with the bathwater!).
so for example, in 2007, jane has the misfortune of receiving a bad diagnosis, being remedied (once and for all!) right now. but would we discard ALL of 2007 to avoid this turn of events? yes, it is pretty awful, but given the choice of a magic wand which could eradicate that, along with EVERYTHING else in the calendar year - well, i don't know about that.
in said past year, we see marlee celebrate (beautifully) her bat mitzvah, along with our nephew josh - amazing. jared graduates middle school and moves onto high school. our family takes a journey through magical morocco, and we even manage to stop in paris for a weekend. we have amazing weekends with the abdulezers. we see our friends and our friends' kids celebrate major milestones. we host an inspiring parlor evening for jdc. we make new friends, encounter new work challenges. we see the kids on visiting day at camp, laughing and happy and tanned. we end the summer with a fantastic journey to israel. jane and i bike through paris in the summer and see a late movie in st. germain des pres. in the beginning of the year, i don't even know where rwanda is - and by december i've been awed by two visits.
a lot can happen in a year - whether it be 365 or 1,460 days. so in this, the most gregorian of days, i resist the urge to take a flying leap ... and just stay put with what we've got.
shabbat shalom!
a lot of action takes place in the regular calendar, without such idiosyncrasies! would you take a flying leap and erase the negative, knowing that you'd have to give up the positive too? kind of like throwing out the baby with the bathwater (although if you are cognisant of the fact that the baby becomes a teenager, maybe you would throw it out with the bathwater!).
so for example, in 2007, jane has the misfortune of receiving a bad diagnosis, being remedied (once and for all!) right now. but would we discard ALL of 2007 to avoid this turn of events? yes, it is pretty awful, but given the choice of a magic wand which could eradicate that, along with EVERYTHING else in the calendar year - well, i don't know about that.
in said past year, we see marlee celebrate (beautifully) her bat mitzvah, along with our nephew josh - amazing. jared graduates middle school and moves onto high school. our family takes a journey through magical morocco, and we even manage to stop in paris for a weekend. we have amazing weekends with the abdulezers. we see our friends and our friends' kids celebrate major milestones. we host an inspiring parlor evening for jdc. we make new friends, encounter new work challenges. we see the kids on visiting day at camp, laughing and happy and tanned. we end the summer with a fantastic journey to israel. jane and i bike through paris in the summer and see a late movie in st. germain des pres. in the beginning of the year, i don't even know where rwanda is - and by december i've been awed by two visits.
a lot can happen in a year - whether it be 365 or 1,460 days. so in this, the most gregorian of days, i resist the urge to take a flying leap ... and just stay put with what we've got.
shabbat shalom!