today we manage to collect everyone, rouse them from their slumbers, and make our way towards manhattan. for the first sunday in memory, we hit traffic at the bridge, so we desperately try an alternate route (the suburban shifting about like a fly trying to look for an open window). alas, back to the williamsburg and into the city, just on time for a good parking spot and an even better table at c.g.. petit dejeuner is delicious as always.
jane is not 100% today - fine in the morning, but really a bit too sore for strolling briskly. so we settle in at the bookstore, lounging and reading quietly - the kids sequestered with simpsons comics and other joys, me locked in the travel section, and jane upstairs with more literary pursuits.
the kids want to go home, but i say no - let's go catch the action thriller in bruges - filmed on location in this belgian city, with english dialogue. we misread the movie time - it's not in 5 minutes, rather 75 minutes from that moment. we grab more lattés at aroma (the israeli soho outpost), peruse the goods at moss, then make it back to the theater - only to learn that all of the films have been delayed indefinitely due to a technical glitch. that's what i said. so, refund in hand, we make our way home to allow jane to rest.
it's mild and grey, and before we know it, everyone has split - instant messaging, drawing, sleeping, tv watching. and i am at the helm of the ship - the viking stove - baking crisp tart shells to fill with meyer-lemon curd, whipping up cilantro laced tom ka gai (coconut chicken soup), and grilling brochettes of chicken and beef teriyaki [could be final rumblings about missing out on asia this week].
it's going to be a long week.
the kids are off through NEXT monday, and we're really not certain if jane has the energy to travel (vermont and montreal seem to be the picks, today). we'll have to play it by ear. however, the thought of doing this for 7 more days (enforced hard labor) is not appealing.
we fondly recall the days when we used to complain about picking up the kids' food that had fallen during the meal hour. "when will we have to stop wiping the floor after dinner?", we would lament. well, that's over and done with - now we're onto full blown 'dinner parties' three times a day ... crepes, exotic fromage paninis, hand cut potato chips with aioli, and all sorts of complicated evening menus. the king never had it so good (and this is strictly not-for-profit!!!).
we'll see what develops - jane needs her rest.
so do i.
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