valium, o' valium - wherefore art thou?
whether 'tis nobler in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (well, you get the picture) ...
cabin fever - walls closing in - life upside down - mayhem - run for the hills ... not quite, actually, just a mini-sense of confinement and temporary insanity. jane is tired but actually okay, just in time for next friday's final dose (insidious clear deadly liquid otherwise known as chemo). whatever will we order from netflix for the big event. it's been a long path; somehow the yellow brick road is losing it's luster! but we go on, life goes on, it's all just a bit much ...
the kids - doing great, doing their thing, being teens and almost-teens. actually quite pleasant of late, surely a result of their status as official loafers for the past ten days. it's seems as if it's ratcheted down the frenzy, which is good! tomorrow i will enjoy the boys in the evening, while jane and marlee get treated (thanks donna & sarah!) to a wonderful evening out in the city ... dinner, then a broadway show (legally blonde) - lucky them, girls night out in nyc! [how will jane stay awake past 9 - i know i sure can't!].
in the meantime, dreaming of paris and a walk along the seine ...
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