or so she thinks - poor jane, chemo has left her feeling as if she's carrying twins - yikes! no buns in the oven however, just the remnants of chemicals running through her veins. so be it, this too shall come to pass!
sunday in the city - isn't it a pity! so absolutely lovely, cool and clear. whilst listening to radio france internationale in the car on the way to nolita, we get a call from henry and ali - it's 8:30 in the morning, they'd like to meet us at café gitane - great! we peruse the paper and warm up until they arrive, and enjoy a lovely breakfast together - so nice to catch up! a stroll in soho, past the apple store (maroon 5 concert with people having slept out in front of the store in order to snag a spot), making a loop, a bit of furniture shopping, then we part ways ... so nice to have the company!
back home, to a clean home i might add (thanks kids!) and a bit of lazing about. marlee and i go for a drive on the north shore while jane relaxes - much needed - and andi and jared enjoy friends' company. we convene for dinner with the 5c's for sunday night ben's dinner - again, great to be in the company of our special friends!
end of the school break, everyone back on track tomorrow, jane back to work, and life returns to it's rhythm for now.
the mini cooper's windshield wipers are not working - always an ominous sense of doom prevailing when the car starts to falter ... wish us luck!
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