my dear friends. have you ever had a curry in a hurry? delhi belly? rajasthani biryani?
tonight, we continue the wednesday evening tradition of family night out - a time to chat, relax - sort of a mid-week pick-me-up if you will. early on in the school year, we realize that this is the night where we are all open at an early hour, and that we can sneak into the city for a dose of life, maybe a book-reading, and some noodles. we hold steady to this routine, until jared becomes a wrestler (yes, i agree).
now that the 'sport' is finished, we've reinstituted the evening out. but instead of the lower east side, we contemplate suburban hicksville on this rainy evening. jane needs a hit of full on flavor, and is craving indian - and this area is known to have the best. but instead of house of dosas, a regular spot, she researches, she emails, she investigates, and comes upon another establishment, even going so far as to chat up the owner.
hmmm ... there's something fishy in kerala. or in goa. this place is horrendous! the decor, tacky, but not in a wallpaper sort of way. the proprietors - well, jewish mothers seem positively aloof compared to the invasive hovering at our table. cleanliness - forget about it! katz's deli looks mr. clean sparkling compared to this eatery. and the food. gives new meaning to the term rubber chicken dinner. clumped rice. twice dead lamb. chicken biryani? chicken biry-accchhh-i!
does not bring forth fond memories of dining under the stars at devi garh some two years ago (exactly) ... a brilliant setting, twinkling lights from both the village below and the stars above. no, this place is positively awful!
i actually totally lose my cool, scream at jane who is going to have chemo in two days! this is NOT my idea of a family evening out, and i'm amazed that we're not all stuck in the loo on the verge of collapse! the bill - $150 (for garbage). so after berating jane for insisting on trying this spot, i do something that neither of us have ever thought of doing in our wildest dreams. i have her call the restaurant and tell them that the food was absolutely inedible. they hastily offer to not put the charge through on the credit card - an equitable resolution although i think they still owe us for pain and suffering!
the rest of the day ... hmmm. we actually see a doctor! i'm used to getting news of some sorts on an hourly basis these days - but nothing for weeks now! so we make it to the surgeon to discuss the progress of healing, what happens next, and getting jane's torn earlobe fixed (don't ask). it's all good, and we even have room for dessert - consisting of bumping into a close friend coming in as we are going out (lovefest as breasts are compared in the office bathroom). again, don't ask.
that is the only dessert to be had - don't venture down the road of poisonous mango ice cream tonight ... hope we live to tell the tale! capped off by andi asking for a billion homemade valentine heart shaped shortbread cookies with red and white icing, for class tomorrow ... sweet!
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