today, as happens many days, i am told that jane is amazing - inspirational, and that her way of moving through this experience is affecting and WILL affect others who may also face unsettling events. both linda and debbie share their thoughts on the way jane carries herself, her positive attitude, her physical and emotional strength, and her ability to see clearly through all of the haze. even having a bit of naughty fun with the wigs seems to lend much needed (and frivolous) levity during these times.
and though i agree with our friends' assessments, i must confess that it is not only jane that has dealt with adverse conditions in this way. oh, for sure her style is all her own, and that is reflective of her own idiosyncractic ways. but let me share with you something else. we have incredible role models to follow - friends who have gone through similar or parallel situations, and have amazed us with their inner fortitude, resolve, determination, and general good humor.
and that's 'just' in the scope of cancer. think of those around the planet that suffer daily without food or water or prospects for a better life. do you know, for example, that life expectancy in many countries is 45 years old? that's our age. so, it is in fact easy to complain or wonder why, and certainly not to minimize what jane is enduring, but maybe this is in part what keeps her moving forward.
or maybe being a physician allows one to see things in more black and white terms - do 'this' and get 'that' result - actions and consequences. or it could be that, growing up in baghdad and suffering persecution (and subsequently having to flee to other countries) sets one up for dealing with adversity. or maybe it's just being married to me that's made her tough!
who knows.
maybe it's just jane, being jane.
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