it comes to our attention, as jane's hair grows in and she still sports her funky wigs, that perhaps this is a good solution for everyone's bad hair days! we attend a concert from andi's hebrew school on thursday evening, and jane and i conclude that most of the female spectators should, in fact, tidy up their act and spring for a wig!
although we have entered our proverbial spring - jane's come out of the long winter, feeling renewed now that most everything is 'done' - we still glumly wait for the meteorological spring! where is the sun? where is the heat? yes, we have green leaves - of course, it has been raining for days, what do you expect?
just two years ago, we celebrated jared's bar mitzvah - lovely! in honor of his big day, we throw up a tent in the backyard and say 'hey, come on over' to 250 people. lovely. hmmm, not so sure about the weather, particularly with these same conditions persisting for weeks on end preceding the festivities. and guess what? last year, we celebrate marlee's bat mitzvah - but we get smart - celebratory lunch INSIDE that time! and both days end up being perfect, so we'll take this solar lapse without a sense of foreboding, thank you.
just yesterday, i have a heart to heart with JC - he always can pick apart a situation and be incredibly insightful and wise. so, he duly notes that prior to our miami excursion, jane and i seem tense, on edge, frazzled. and it is so - and we didn't even realize it fully until we are relaxing by the pool. we come back refreshed, united, happy, light. i am espousing the virtues of our newly refound family harmony - so nice.
although we have entered our proverbial spring - jane's come out of the long winter, feeling renewed now that most everything is 'done' - we still glumly wait for the meteorological spring! where is the sun? where is the heat? yes, we have green leaves - of course, it has been raining for days, what do you expect?
just two years ago, we celebrated jared's bar mitzvah - lovely! in honor of his big day, we throw up a tent in the backyard and say 'hey, come on over' to 250 people. lovely. hmmm, not so sure about the weather, particularly with these same conditions persisting for weeks on end preceding the festivities. and guess what? last year, we celebrate marlee's bat mitzvah - but we get smart - celebratory lunch INSIDE that time! and both days end up being perfect, so we'll take this solar lapse without a sense of foreboding, thank you.
just yesterday, i have a heart to heart with JC - he always can pick apart a situation and be incredibly insightful and wise. so, he duly notes that prior to our miami excursion, jane and i seem tense, on edge, frazzled. and it is so - and we didn't even realize it fully until we are relaxing by the pool. we come back refreshed, united, happy, light. i am espousing the virtues of our newly refound family harmony - so nice.
jane comes home not one hour later, and as we are dressing to go out for lunch with vivi and eddie, she totally and completely and utterly freaks out AT me! unprovoked attack - really, no weapons of mass destruction here! she goes berserk, i just smile, and a minute later she's downstairs looking lovely, saying she isn't quite sure what happened up there. no big deal, we laugh and lunch! quite funny actually, having just told my friend how nice it is to have our peaceful ways return!
and a nice lunch - friday afternoon with friends, out, with a glass of wine - what could be better! we catch up and have a great time. kids descend from all corners, the shabbat table grows from 5 to 6 to 8 to 9, and i scurry about shopping, chopping, boiling, roasting, baking - really nice to be back on the game, serving instead of being served (not that we don't appreciate that!). we're just back on our own two (or four) feet, and boy, does it feel good.
now where's that hebrew barack obama bumper sticker i ordered???
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