today i am exposed to something new and interesting. joint distribution committee (JDC), in concert with susan g. komen for the cure, is running a program for breast cancer awareness, screening, advocacy, and treatment in bosnia and herzegovina. this pilot project is having great success in changing existing attitudes and stigmas surrounding this disease, while targeting the government with the aim of forcing more accessible and universal help in this arena. prior to this initiative, which is being replicated in other areas (former soviet union), women who underwent mastectomy were eligible for one, yes ONE, implant (not two!) ... and that is if they were able to secure an early diagnosis, and get treatment, and survive the disease!
it is incredible to hear from the leadership of susan g. komen. this amazing organization runs a tight ship, relying on professional staff, passion, and grass roots efforts to fight (and end) breast cancer. the global ambassador for this battle is hadassah lieberman, the partner of joe lieberman. today she speaks frankly and eloquently to a small focus group during lunch - she is moved to be addressing JDC, as her parents survived the holocaust and were themselves recipients of JDC aid. she speaks thoughtfully of coming full circle, back to what her parents called 'the joint' - and how touched she is to be at this gathering. she is an excellent spokesperson for this cause, and hala moddelmog likewise moves people with her candid and wise speech. both of these inspiring women congratulate me on my efforts on behalf of the orphans in rwanda, and i am truly humbled, feeling as though i am 'a baby' relative to their ongoing accomplishments. we discuss possibilities for further partnership, and this is something that jane and i feel a synergy for ... we'd love further our work with JDC and also tie it back to susan g. komen for the cure.
as an aside, many people attending the meetings of the past two days are enthralled with the project in rwanda. the parallels between the genocidal fate of this african nation, and the holocaust suffered by jews, gypsies, homosexuals, intellectuals, and the righteous, is not lost on anyone. it is critical, as jews, as victims, to further secure and protect and harbor and eradicate and rally against evil manifesting itself. we, more than any other group, must stand up for what is morally correct, and have an obligation to give of ourselves when things run amok (as they most often due with human nature). additionally, there are similarities between the state of rwanda and the state of israel - both tiny, both young, both building up from ashes. today, paul kagame, the president of this minuscule east african nation, celebrates the 60th anniversary of israel's independence in jerusalem - amazing!
so, a new chapter begins. i am not certain how it will come to be, but jane and i have swung onto a new vine. just at the moment, the instant, when she is healed and back to herself, when we have had the opportunity to regroup as a family, reconnect with our former lives, we have a new cause to champion and be a part of. we're ready for this, and feel blessed that it has come into our lives at just the right time!
it is incredible to hear from the leadership of susan g. komen. this amazing organization runs a tight ship, relying on professional staff, passion, and grass roots efforts to fight (and end) breast cancer. the global ambassador for this battle is hadassah lieberman, the partner of joe lieberman. today she speaks frankly and eloquently to a small focus group during lunch - she is moved to be addressing JDC, as her parents survived the holocaust and were themselves recipients of JDC aid. she speaks thoughtfully of coming full circle, back to what her parents called 'the joint' - and how touched she is to be at this gathering. she is an excellent spokesperson for this cause, and hala moddelmog likewise moves people with her candid and wise speech. both of these inspiring women congratulate me on my efforts on behalf of the orphans in rwanda, and i am truly humbled, feeling as though i am 'a baby' relative to their ongoing accomplishments. we discuss possibilities for further partnership, and this is something that jane and i feel a synergy for ... we'd love further our work with JDC and also tie it back to susan g. komen for the cure.
as an aside, many people attending the meetings of the past two days are enthralled with the project in rwanda. the parallels between the genocidal fate of this african nation, and the holocaust suffered by jews, gypsies, homosexuals, intellectuals, and the righteous, is not lost on anyone. it is critical, as jews, as victims, to further secure and protect and harbor and eradicate and rally against evil manifesting itself. we, more than any other group, must stand up for what is morally correct, and have an obligation to give of ourselves when things run amok (as they most often due with human nature). additionally, there are similarities between the state of rwanda and the state of israel - both tiny, both young, both building up from ashes. today, paul kagame, the president of this minuscule east african nation, celebrates the 60th anniversary of israel's independence in jerusalem - amazing!
so, a new chapter begins. i am not certain how it will come to be, but jane and i have swung onto a new vine. just at the moment, the instant, when she is healed and back to herself, when we have had the opportunity to regroup as a family, reconnect with our former lives, we have a new cause to champion and be a part of. we're ready for this, and feel blessed that it has come into our lives at just the right time!
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