for those not in the know, the susan g. komen for the cure organization has an interesting story, as illustrated below:
nancy g. brinker promised her dying sister, susan g. komen, that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. in 1982, that promise became susan g. komen for the cure and launched the global breast cancer movement. today, komen for the cure is the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures. thanks to events like the komen race for the cure, we have invested nearly $1 billion to fulfill our promise, becoming the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world.
it is worth taking a few moments to go to the komen website to learn a little bit about this organization, which funds research, advocacy, and public policy initiatives. additionally, jane will be assembling a team to take part in the 5K walk for this group, taking place in new york city on sunday, 14 september. anyone interested in participating in this event should contact jane via email (the address is at the top right hand corner of your screen). there is a nominal registration fee, and if a team is assembled t-shirts and materials can be forwarded to participants. i encourage all that can walk the distance to go the distance for this very worthy cause. walk with jane, and i'll provide the baked goodies!
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