jane visits her dear old friend, the plastic surgeon (why plastic?). all is well in that department, and more critically, he gives her the thumbs up for her terrific mental attitude - not too fussy about any of these, just grateful to be well, and done! it is kind of a nice ego boost for all of us - to get this stamp of approval and recognition that somehow we've made it through the rough patch and are sailing along now. not that we all haven't had our moments ...
a long, long weekend begins this evening - kids do not return to school until tuesday, for yet another school holiday! since we've been downright puritanical of late (barely any tv, etc.) we've decided to just let the kids sleep and hang out from now through monday - they can swing from the chandelier as far as i'm concerned. eat chocolate. watch inappropriate programs. whatever! hopefully we'll get some of that elusive sunshine and make it to the beach for a bit - it's all open and we're looking forward to serendipity.
jane and marlee watch a movie, andi is out at a party, jared with a friend ... it's been a good day, and now it's time to retire ...
a long, long weekend begins this evening - kids do not return to school until tuesday, for yet another school holiday! since we've been downright puritanical of late (barely any tv, etc.) we've decided to just let the kids sleep and hang out from now through monday - they can swing from the chandelier as far as i'm concerned. eat chocolate. watch inappropriate programs. whatever! hopefully we'll get some of that elusive sunshine and make it to the beach for a bit - it's all open and we're looking forward to serendipity.
jane and marlee watch a movie, andi is out at a party, jared with a friend ... it's been a good day, and now it's time to retire ...
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