at first, there's thanksgiving-
four days on the clock,
the pilgrims did start it,
upon plymouth rock ...
and quickly december,
does follow it's wake,
to a marvelous season,
and another school break!
january finds us all
singing the blues,
but thanks to martin luther,
there's still more good news ...
a nice monday off,
just to give you some time,
after all, it's been two weeks;
children are in their prime!
with that all behind us,
february's so cold -
but fear not, with a week off,
you won't feel so old ...
and this year, a new one -
a march break of sorts -
five days with no school now,
'go visit some ports' ...
and after next monday,
excepting shabbat,
the kids will be at school,
believe it or not!
but wait, i've forgotten,
there's passover too -
a week of hard matzah
(and nothing to do!)
the best one i've heard
is memorial day -
this year it is FIVE days,
what more can i say ...
so enjoy your dear easter,
and fun purim too,
and recall, with this time off,
there's more meals to do!
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