funny, how humor can come and go ...
of late, i've realized that there was more levity apparent in our house after jane was diagnosed with breast cancer, and subsequently had surgery, than there is in our house now. don't get me wrong, we're still enjoying, and laughing, etc.. i feel as if WE are not funny anymore. at least, not in the present moment. and i chalk that up to pre-occupation, being battle-weary, the election, the decline of the dollar against the euro, the never-ending war, thinking about college, and the general state of the planet.
andi and i go out for a bite this evening while jane delivers a talk to the hebrew high school students (much to their horror, jared and marlee included). as i eat a bowl of chili, i stare at the meat and wilt at the thought of cows going to slaughter. i glance over at andi's grilled chicken salad (seemingly innocuous enough) and have visions of thousands of chickens cooped up in, well, a coop. squawking. ugggghhh. maybe i'll become a vegetarian ...
are these the thoughts of someone who is light and airy? or who would otherwise find life quite amusing?
same for jane. she's not funny at all lately. no humor in the wigs. can't seem to get a chuckle out of chemo. breast jokes just don't cut it ...
not that we don't GET the humor in those, and many other situations. we just can't seem to initiate them of our own volition. we're hit a dry patch, which isn't so good when it's happening to two people at the same time. maybe three. andi asks me to take him to the library after dinner, to pick up a copy of the iliad by homer. deep. heavy. what every happened to homer simpson?
so, bear with us if we don't make you giggle today. hopefully we'll get our groove back -
of late, i've realized that there was more levity apparent in our house after jane was diagnosed with breast cancer, and subsequently had surgery, than there is in our house now. don't get me wrong, we're still enjoying, and laughing, etc.. i feel as if WE are not funny anymore. at least, not in the present moment. and i chalk that up to pre-occupation, being battle-weary, the election, the decline of the dollar against the euro, the never-ending war, thinking about college, and the general state of the planet.
andi and i go out for a bite this evening while jane delivers a talk to the hebrew high school students (much to their horror, jared and marlee included). as i eat a bowl of chili, i stare at the meat and wilt at the thought of cows going to slaughter. i glance over at andi's grilled chicken salad (seemingly innocuous enough) and have visions of thousands of chickens cooped up in, well, a coop. squawking. ugggghhh. maybe i'll become a vegetarian ...
are these the thoughts of someone who is light and airy? or who would otherwise find life quite amusing?
same for jane. she's not funny at all lately. no humor in the wigs. can't seem to get a chuckle out of chemo. breast jokes just don't cut it ...
not that we don't GET the humor in those, and many other situations. we just can't seem to initiate them of our own volition. we're hit a dry patch, which isn't so good when it's happening to two people at the same time. maybe three. andi asks me to take him to the library after dinner, to pick up a copy of the iliad by homer. deep. heavy. what every happened to homer simpson?
so, bear with us if we don't make you giggle today. hopefully we'll get our groove back -
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