a bit of laughter today, along with a dose of silent resignation, a slice of humble pie, and general feeling of keep on movin' on.
jane is back to work today - me too, although the kids are home for veteran's day. crepes, cocoa, cookies - young ones coming and going - and despite being hectic, a welcome distraction and kind of nice. jane speaks to the powers that be at work about logistics, all very supportive and helpful - and as breast cancer rears it's ugly head over and over, no longer shocking to hear the news. sad.
jane is eager to have the surgery right away - of course, we haven't actually BEEN to the surgeon yet, so it's conjecture right now, although all indicators are pointing in that direction. tomorrow is the mri - no metal - that's all we need, for someone to lose an eye during a diagnostic test! oy! i hope to join her at the office for that, although she professes not to need me. having had mri's before, i've try to inform her that it's horrible! being stuck in that tube - open, closed - ugghhh! i've suggested a tranquilizer (for me? her?), although she feigns a lack of claustrophobia (we'll see tomorrow!). her appointment with the surgeon is on wednesday, and we hope to NOT be waiting for hours to see the doctor.
we have not discussed this with the kids yet - we'll wait until we have more definitive answers, at which point i'm certain they will have absolutely NO reaction whatsoever (and will go back to their own bubbles!). fine. everyone else is the issue. well, not issue, really. we have no intention of 'hiding' this from anyone (as if that would be possible) and in order to keep everyone in the loop we will publish this blog. we can do a good bit of advocacy for the cause, and simultaneously keep those who want to check in informed about our progress. jane is horrified at this proposal, but relents when i point out that it will reduce phone tag during recuperation.
so, mint tea, a nice dinner, and an early evening ... everyone is back into the routine tomorrow. a good night's rest is what the doctor calls for -
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