all this talk about getting old - a seemingly endless obsession - is finally dissipating! yes, it's true that this morning i DID organize our pill drawer ("jane, is this ambien or vytorin?"), going so far as the label the tops of the bottles with the appropriate medication so we don't accidentally OD on something. also to ensure that i'm not on tamoxifen and jane isn't taking plavix!
and yes, all of our peers have had their own brushes with physical peril - cancers, heart ailments, and all manner of plagues (boils, frogs, etc.). so what to do? we counteract all of this with our own brand of medicine ... the city and it's young population.
last night, furtively typing on our laptops while indulging in smoked mozzarella and pesto tartlets, summer vegetable bisque, and warm tomatoes, we decide it's time for a drink. off we go at 8-ish to the lower east side, and plunk ourselves down amongst the pretty and hunky twenty somethings, trying desperately to fit in!
ahh, spitzers' corner. street-front seating, al fresco, wide plank benches, and fifty beers on tap. throngs of generation X'ers (do they still call them that) coming and going, lounging at the long tables. jane and i order up some on tap specials and sit back, enjoying the vibe. a benefit of our seemingly self-imposed exile.
we suddenly realize that our own offspring will probably be sitting here before we know it ... and laugh hysterically that one night we'll walk into one of these hip spots, only to find jared and marlee out with a bunch of friends.
who will be more mortified - them or us? i think i know the answer!
nice to be feeling young again!
and yes, all of our peers have had their own brushes with physical peril - cancers, heart ailments, and all manner of plagues (boils, frogs, etc.). so what to do? we counteract all of this with our own brand of medicine ... the city and it's young population.
last night, furtively typing on our laptops while indulging in smoked mozzarella and pesto tartlets, summer vegetable bisque, and warm tomatoes, we decide it's time for a drink. off we go at 8-ish to the lower east side, and plunk ourselves down amongst the pretty and hunky twenty somethings, trying desperately to fit in!
ahh, spitzers' corner. street-front seating, al fresco, wide plank benches, and fifty beers on tap. throngs of generation X'ers (do they still call them that) coming and going, lounging at the long tables. jane and i order up some on tap specials and sit back, enjoying the vibe. a benefit of our seemingly self-imposed exile.
we suddenly realize that our own offspring will probably be sitting here before we know it ... and laugh hysterically that one night we'll walk into one of these hip spots, only to find jared and marlee out with a bunch of friends.
who will be more mortified - them or us? i think i know the answer!
nice to be feeling young again!