08 September 2008

5K is nothing!

forget 5K, or even 10K! team JANE'S JOURNEY, ready for the susan g. komen race for the cure, stands at a remarkable 41 people today. we've raised over $12,000, with many more pledges rolling in. what an amazing tribute to the positive power of jane, and all of the women (and men) who live with breast cancer as a part of their life.

my own personal goal of raising $10,000 by friday (jane's birthday) is GOING TO BE MET! very exciting to see this much energy and passion (at minimum, a great diversion from the political conventions!). let's cross our fingers for a lovely day and a hugely successful event!

we continue to be impressed, inspired, and amazed - thanks to all of you!

to help with the process, please click HERE!


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