today ... well, the best that can be said is that it's almost (finally!) over.
never one to rush time, i find myself counting the minutes to april 3rd. the entire breast cancer 'event' has definitely taken it's toll ... on family life, waist lines, and general outlook towards the future.
we argue, we conjecture, we pontificate ... nothing seems particularly harmonious or easy today. it starts in the morning, continues through the afternoon, and ends in the evening. like a day when the weather keeps turning (rain, then brief sunshine, then dark clouds) we move through moods and phases.
somehow, this is all easier in the early stages of november. now that jane is closer to being 'done' it's the emotional toll that's getting to all of us. we're all off kilter, and my estimation is that this is a building insecurity ... about the future, where we're headed, how will we manage, will we be okay? will the kids make out alright? could just be a bit of bad timing - going through cancer while the kids are teenagers - but there's no choice with that!
ruth emails from paris, enjoying a berthillon ice cream on ile st. louis - how i need a dose of french sanity!
the day almost done, and i guess we've all gotten everything off of our minds. not much more to say, except good riddance april 2nd 2008!
never one to rush time, i find myself counting the minutes to april 3rd. the entire breast cancer 'event' has definitely taken it's toll ... on family life, waist lines, and general outlook towards the future.
we argue, we conjecture, we pontificate ... nothing seems particularly harmonious or easy today. it starts in the morning, continues through the afternoon, and ends in the evening. like a day when the weather keeps turning (rain, then brief sunshine, then dark clouds) we move through moods and phases.
somehow, this is all easier in the early stages of november. now that jane is closer to being 'done' it's the emotional toll that's getting to all of us. we're all off kilter, and my estimation is that this is a building insecurity ... about the future, where we're headed, how will we manage, will we be okay? will the kids make out alright? could just be a bit of bad timing - going through cancer while the kids are teenagers - but there's no choice with that!
ruth emails from paris, enjoying a berthillon ice cream on ile st. louis - how i need a dose of french sanity!
the day almost done, and i guess we've all gotten everything off of our minds. not much more to say, except good riddance april 2nd 2008!
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