as a new year begins it seems as if it's less a matter of reflecting on the events of the last twelve months, and more a feeling of what the next fifty two weeks may bring.
despite being generally optimistic people, it's difficult NOT to have a small, queasy sense that the other shoe is continuously about to drop, particularly when the past year ends on a more trying note. and yes, of course, there is so much to be thankful for, particularly concerning jane's expedient recovery from surgery, the kids' non-traumatized attitudes, and lots of love and support - all for which we are incredibly grateful.
no, it's more a feeling of mystery i suppose. last year at this time there were a bunch of our compatriots who were perfectly well, and in the past year have come to know cancer themselves. and all march forward with courage and hope, which sustains them. so what will this new, secular year bring? we don't have a magical crystal ball to look into, and tea leaves, palm readings, and ouija boards don't seem to bring any comfort ...
we will all move on together, with that indefatigable human spirit which propels us blindly in the direction of hope, and the certitude that something great lies just around the corner ...
yep, that's what we're going with ... that's it! it's all good, and despite whatever challenges insist on presenting themselves, this year will be the best ever!
bonne année!
despite being generally optimistic people, it's difficult NOT to have a small, queasy sense that the other shoe is continuously about to drop, particularly when the past year ends on a more trying note. and yes, of course, there is so much to be thankful for, particularly concerning jane's expedient recovery from surgery, the kids' non-traumatized attitudes, and lots of love and support - all for which we are incredibly grateful.
no, it's more a feeling of mystery i suppose. last year at this time there were a bunch of our compatriots who were perfectly well, and in the past year have come to know cancer themselves. and all march forward with courage and hope, which sustains them. so what will this new, secular year bring? we don't have a magical crystal ball to look into, and tea leaves, palm readings, and ouija boards don't seem to bring any comfort ...
we will all move on together, with that indefatigable human spirit which propels us blindly in the direction of hope, and the certitude that something great lies just around the corner ...
yep, that's what we're going with ... that's it! it's all good, and despite whatever challenges insist on presenting themselves, this year will be the best ever!
bonne année!
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